Kennametal President and CEO Christopher Rossi Named to Manufacturers Association Board of Directors

The National Association of Manufacturers announced that Christopher Rossi, President and Chief Executive Officer of Kennametal Inc., has been named to the NAM Board of Directors. Rossi will join the NAM Board to bolster the association’s leadership in policy advocacy, workforce solutions, legal action, operational excellence and news and insights.

Founded in 1895, the NAM, guided by its Board of Directors, is the largest industrial trade association in the United States, with more than 14,000 members. The NAM is the nation’s most influential manufacturing advocate, and its membership includes some of the world’s most iconic brands and many of the small manufacturers that power the U.S. economy. Ninety percent of the NAM’s members are small and medium-sized businesses.

“I am honored to be joining the NAM Board of Directors to help advance the policy, workforce and other important priorities of manufacturing organizations in the U.S.,” said Rossi. “The NAM plays a critical role in shaping the face of manufacturing today and I am looking forward to working with my fellow Board members to represent our employees and customers as our industry continues to advance and grow.”

“Chris is a recognized leader in our industry, and the NAM will be stronger thanks to his service on our Board of Directors,” said NAM President and CEO Jay Timmons. “Manufacturers are the driving force behind our economic recovery. Now that we have secured historic infrastructure investment, we are working with lawmakers to ensure they deliver the long-term policy work on issues like immigration reform, trade expansion, supply chain improvements and workforce development. We also continue to defend the progress we’ve made on tax reform and regulatory certainty to ensure we can keep our promises to invest in our people and our communities. The NAM’s mission is to ensure we always keep moving forward, and Chris will bring invaluable insights as we advocate for the men and women of our industry.”

Read the full release here:

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