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KMH Drills • Materiali duri • Con refrigerante interno
KMH Drills • Materiali duri • Con refrigerante interno
KMH Drills • Materiali duri • Con refrigerante interno
KMH Drills • Materiali duri • Con refrigerante interno

B951A (~3 x D) • KCH15 • A-Shank • KMH Drills

KMH Drills • Materiali duri • Con refrigerante interno

Features and benefits

  • The all new KMH solid carbide drills are engineered for hard material applications up to 65 HRC. The B95_ drill series with through coolant and 140° point is designed for deeper applications.

  • KMH Point Design with curved cutting edge with corner chamfer for maximum corner stability in hard materials. It avoids chipping on cutting edge thus pre-mature wear.

  • Special flute design with strong web to increase the strength of the drill in tough applications with short chips. B95_ series with 30° helix angle to improve chip evacuation in higher length-to-diameter ratios.

  • KCH15 on B95_ with its higher toughness supports edge strength at increased rake angles, which are applied to improve chip evacuation in higher L/D ratios. It carries a high temperature and shock resistance AlTiN coating for machining hardened material to increase tool life.

Uses and application

  • DrillingDrilling
  • Drilling: Stacked PlatesDrilling: Stacked Plates
  • Corner Style: Corner ChamferCorner Style: Corner Chamfer
  • Dimensioni utensile: 2vani/2margini/refrigeranteDimensioni utensile: 2vani/2margini/refrigerante
  • Numero DIN 6535Numero DIN 6535
  • Numero DIN 6537Numero DIN 6537
  • Foratura — Adduzione interna refrigeranteForatura — Adduzione interna refrigerante
  • Adduzione interna di refrigerante: MQL (quantità minima di lubrificante): ForaturaAdduzione interna di refrigerante: MQL (quantità minima di lubrificante): Foratura
  • Codolo — Cilindrico liscio ≤h6Codolo — Cilindrico liscio ≤h6
  • Angolo elica: 30°Angolo elica: 30°
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