At Kennametal, we are serious about our global commitment to sustainability.

We believe to truly be successful in business, we must not only meet, but aim to exceed our environmental and social responsibilities.

We’re committed to programs that ensure:

  • The health and safety of our employees
  • A diverse, engaged and ethical workforce
  • Development and enrichment of the communities where our employees live and work
  • Protection of the environment for future generations
Four Kennametal Sustainability Photographs on a gray background

Here are some highlights from fiscal year 2024:

  • Reductions in combined Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 2 percent 

  • Decreased water withdrawal by approximately 4 percent 

  • Increased waste recycling efforts by 10 percent 

  • Surpassed U.S. industry standard total recordable incident rates by 150 percent

  • Created three new employee resource groups 

  • Enhanced Code of Conduct and supporting resources to improve accessibility and ensure employees are informed of our Culture of Accountability 

For more information on Kennametal’s sustainability initiatives, view our latest Corporate Sustainability Report.

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