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- HSK100A
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- BTF46 Adapters
BTF46 Adapters
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Adapter Front-End
Adapter Front-End
Front End Type
Front End Type
- BTF - BTF (1)
- FDA - Milling Cutter Arbor (33)
Front End Style
Front End Style
- BTF01 Standard BTF (1)
- FDA22 Transv Drive & SHCS (33)
Gage Length
Gage Length
- 2.757 in(1)
- 3.337 in(1)
- 4.258 in(1)
- 4.337 in(1)
- 4.604 in(1)
- 4.968 in(1)
- 5.037 in(1)
- 5.258 in(1)
- 5.337 in(1)
- 5.604 in(1)
- 5.906 in(3)
- 5.968 in(1)
- 6.037 in(1)
- 6.258 in(1)
- 6.337 in(1)
- 6.604 in(1)
- 6.968 in(1)
- 7.037 in(1)
- 7.258 in(1)
- 7.337 in(1)
- 7.604 in(1)
- 7.875 in(3)
- 7.968 in(1)
- 8.037 in(1)
- 8.259 in(1)
- 8.605 in(1)
- 8.968 in(1)
- 9.037 in(1)
- 10.468 in(1)
- 11.468 in(1)
Gage Length
Gage Length
- 150 mm(3)
- 200 mm(3)
- 70 mm(1)
- 84.75 mm(1)
- 108.15 mm(1)
- 110.15 mm(1)
- 116.95 mm(1)
- 126.176 mm(1)
- 127.95 mm(1)
- 133.55 mm(1)
- 135.55 mm(1)
- 142.35 mm(1)
- 151.576 mm(1)
- 153.35 mm(1)
- 158.951 mm(1)
- 160.951 mm(1)
- 167.75 mm(1)
- 176.976 mm(1)
- 178.75 mm(1)
- 184.351 mm(1)
- 186.351 mm(1)
- 193.15 mm(1)
- 202.375 mm(1)
- 204.15 mm(1)
- 209.75 mm(1)
- 218.55 mm(1)
- 227.775 mm(1)
- 229.55 mm(1)
- 265.875 mm(1)
- 291.276 mm(1)
Front End Size
Front End Size
- 0.75 in(6)
- 0.866 in(2)
- 1.0 in(11)
- 1.063 in(2)
- 1.25 in(5)
- 1.26 in(2)
- 1.5 in(5)
Front End Size MinEnter ValuetoFront End Size MaxFront End Size
Front End Size
Front End Size
- 19.05 mm(6)
- 22.0 mm(2)
- 25.401 mm(11)
- 27.0 mm(2)
- 31.75 mm(5)
- 32.0 mm(2)
- 38.1 mm(5)
Front End Size MinEnter ValuetoFront End Size MaxFront End Size
System Size
System Size
- BTF46 (33)
- HSK100A (1)
Back-End Diameter
Back-End Diameter
- 46.026 mm(31)
- 100.0 mm(1)
Back-End Diameter MinEnter ValuetoBack-End Diameter MaxBack-End Diameter
Back-End Diameter
Back-End Diameter
- 1.812 in(31)
- 3.938 in(1)
Back-End Diameter MinEnter ValuetoBack-End Diameter MaxBack-End Diameter
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