Produkt podobny do:
Płytki Kenloc™
Nr materiału1160209
Nr katalogowy ISODNMG150408MGNr katalogowy ANSIDNMG432MG
- P Steel
- M Stainless Steel
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Nr materiału | 1160209 |
Nr katalogowy ISO | DNMG150408MG |
Nr katalogowy ANSI | DNMG432MG |
Grade | KC850 |
[D] Insert IC Size | 12.7 mm |
[D] Insert IC Size | 0.5 in |
[L10] Insert Cutting Edge Length | 15.504 mm |
[L10] Insert Cutting Edge Length | 0.6104 in |
[S] Insert Thickness | 4.76 mm |
[S] Insert Thickness | 0.1875 in |
[Rε] Corner Radius | 0.8 mm |
[Rε] Corner Radius | 0.0312 in |
[D1] Insert Hole Size | 5.16 mm |
[D1] Insert Hole Size | 0.2031 in |
Materiały przedmiotu obrabianego
- Steel
- Stainless Steel
composition: A CVD tri-phase coating on an extra-strong, cobalt-enriched
alloyed substrate.
application: Designed for heavy cutting of low-, medium-, and high-carbon
steels, medium hardness alloy and tool steels, stainless steels, and some
high-temperature alloys. Excellent thermal and mechanical shock resistance
makes grade KC850 ideally suited for difficult drilling applications.
Used in inserts for Kendex/Metcut drill bodies.
Właściwości i zalety
- Z uwzględnieniem gatunków Beyond™ Drive™.
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