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- Mill 1-14™ Shoulder Mills
Mill 1-14™ Shoulder Mills
The Mill 1-14 series are a versatile tooling system used for profiling, slotting, ramping, helical interpolation, circular interpolation, and other shoulder milling applications. The cutters are available in helical end mill or shell mill styles. The Mill 1-14 inserts are specially designed to add cutting versatility and easy cutting action, even on entry and exiting the workpiece. Along with edge stability from the margin land, Mil 1-14 inserts provide innovative micro-geometry, various rake angles, soft cutting action for reduced cutting forces, and a T-land wiper facet for edge strength. The inserts are available for roughing and finishing of aluminum and light -to heavy-duty machining on several other materials.
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Workpiece Material
Workpiece Material
- P Steel (192)
- P0Low-Carbon Steels, Long Chipping C < .25%; <125 HB; <530 N/mm^2 UTS(174)
- P1Low-Carbon Steels, Short Chipping C < .25%; <125 HB; <530 N/mm^2 UTS(174)
- P2Medium and High Carbon Steels C < .25%; <220 HB; <25 HRC; >530 N/mm^2 UTS(174)
- P3Alloy Steels & Tool Steels C > .25%; <330 HB; <35 HRC; 600-850 N/mm^2 UTS(174)
- P4Alloy Steels & Tool Steels C > .25%; 350-420 HB; 35-43 HRC; 850-1400 N/mm^2 UTS(174)
- P5Ferritic, Martensitic, and PH Stainless Steels <330 HB; <35 HRC; 600-900 N/mm^2 UTS(192)
- P6High Strength Ferritic, Martensitic, and PH Stainless Steels 350-450 HB; 35-43 HRC; 900-2400 N/mm^2 UTS(192)
- M Stainless Steel (192)
- M1Austenitic Stainless Steel 130-200 HB; <600 N/mm^2 UTS(192)
- M2High Strength Austenitic Stainless and Cast Stainless Steels 150-230 HB; <25 HRC; >600 N/mm^2 UTS(192)
- M3Duplex Stainless Steel 135-275 HB; <30 HRC; 500-1200 N/mm^2 UTS(192)
- K Cast Iron (155)
- K1Gray Cast Iron 120-290 HB; <32 HRC; 125-500 N/mm^2 UTS(155)
- K2Low and Medium Strength CGI and Ductile Irons 130-260 HB; <28 HRC; <600 N/mm^2 UTS(155)
- K3High Strength Ductile and Austempered Ductile Iron 180-350 HB; <43 HRC; >600 N/mm^2 UTS(155)
- N Non-Ferrous Materials (115)
- N1Wrought Aluminum (115)
- N2Low-Silicon Aluminum Alloys and Magnesium Alloys Si <12.2%(115)
- N3High-Silicon Aluminum Alloys Si >12.2%(115)
- S High-Temp Alloys (190)
- S1Iron-Based, Heat-Resistant Alloys 160-260 HB; 25-48 HRC; 500-1200 N/mm^2 UTS(174)
- S2Cobalt-Based, Heat-Resistant Alloys 250-450 HB; 25-48 HRC; 1000-1450 N/mm^2 UTS(174)
- S3Nickel-Based, Heat Resistant Alloys 160-450 HB; <48 HRC; 600-1700 N/mm^2 UTS(174)
- S4Titanium and Titanium Alloys 300-400 HB; 33-43 HRC; 900-1600 N/mm^2 UTS(190)
- H Hardened Materials (126)
- H1Hardened Materials 44-48 HRC(126)
Select First Choice
- BR (10)
- CN (103)
- DE (106)
- GB (63)
- IN (20)
- SG (40)
- US (91)
Face Milling (105)
Pocket (105)
Pocket Helical (105)
Pocket Milling (105)
Profile Milling (3)
Ramping (105)
Shoulder Bottom Shoulder (3)
Shoulder Milling (105)
Shoulder Roughing (26)
Shoulder Square End (105)
Slot Milling (84)
Slot Side (3)
Slot Square End (84)
Cutting Diameter
Cutting Diameter
- 0.625 in(1)
- 0.75 in(3)
- 0.787 in(4)
- 0.875 in(1)
- 0.971 in(1)
- 0.984 in(8)
- 1.0 in(7)
- 1.25 in(9)
- 1.26 in(11)
- 1.5 in(11)
- 1.575 in(14)
- 1.969 in(5)
- 2.0 in(6)
- 2.48 in(7)
- 2.5 in(5)
- 3.0 in(3)
- 3.15 in(2)
- 3.938 in(2)
- 4.0 in(2)
- 4.921 in(2)
- 6.299 in(1)
Cutting Diameter MinEnter ValuetoCutting Diameter MaxCutting Diameter
Cutting Diameter
Cutting Diameter
- 15.875 mm(1)
- 19.05 mm(3)
- 20.0 mm(4)
- 22.225 mm(1)
- 24.651 mm(1)
- 25.0 mm(8)
- 25.401 mm(7)
- 31.75 mm(9)
- 32.0 mm(11)
- 38.1 mm(11)
- 40.0 mm(14)
- 50.0 mm(5)
- 50.801 mm(6)
- 63.0 mm(7)
- 63.5 mm(5)
- 76.2 mm(3)
- 80.0 mm(2)
- 100.0 mm(2)
- 101.601 mm(2)
- 125.0 mm(2)
- 160.0 mm(1)
Cutting Diameter MinEnter ValuetoCutting Diameter MaxCutting Diameter
Cutting Length
Cutting Length
- 14.0 mm(14)
- 14.101 mm(6)
- 14.201 mm(2)
- 14.3 mm(11)
- 14.4 mm(9)
- 14.476 mm(6)
- 14.5 mm(9)
- 14.601 mm(15)
- 14.701 mm(3)
- 14.726 mm(6)
- 15.5 mm(1)
- 26.901 mm(1)
- 27.201 mm(1)
- 27.3 mm(1)
- 27.5 mm(1)
- 27.6 mm(1)
- 27.8 mm(2)
- 39.901 mm(2)
- 39.95 mm(2)
- 40.401 mm(2)
- 40.801 mm(2)
- 40.95 mm(1)
- 52.801 mm(1)
- 52.825 mm(1)
- 52.85 mm(1)
- 53.45 mm(1)
- 53.5 mm(1)
- 54.0 mm(1)
- 54.1 mm(1)
Cutting Length MinEnter ValuetoCutting Length MaxCutting Length
Cutting Length
Cutting Length
- 0.551 in(14)
- 0.555 in(6)
- 0.559 in(2)
- 0.564 in(11)
- 0.568 in(9)
- 0.571 in(6)
- 0.572 in(9)
- 0.576 in(15)
- 0.579 in(3)
- 0.58 in(6)
- 0.61 in(1)
- 1.059 in(1)
- 1.071 in(1)
- 1.075 in(1)
- 1.083 in(1)
- 1.087 in(1)
- 1.094 in(2)
- 1.571 in(2)
- 1.573 in(2)
- 1.591 in(2)
- 1.606 in(2)
- 1.612 in(1)
- 2.079 in(1)
- 2.08 in(1)
- 2.081 in(1)
- 2.104 in(1)
- 2.106 in(1)
- 2.126 in(1)
- 2.13 in(1)
Cutting Length MinEnter ValuetoCutting Length MaxCutting Length
- 1.379 in(3)
- 1.5 in(3)
- 1.536 in(2)
- 1.575 in(17)
- 1.625 in(1)
- 1.73 in(1)
- 1.732 in(4)
- 1.75 in(13)
- 1.969 in(25)
- 2.0 in(5)
- 2.23 in(2)
- 2.25 in(10)
- 2.48 in(3)
- 2.5 in(4)
- 2.559 in(4)
- 2.953 in(2)
- 3.0 in(3)
- 3.15 in(3)
Reach MinEnter ValuetoReach MaxReach
- 35.0 mm(3)
- 38.1 mm(3)
- 39.0 mm(2)
- 40.0 mm(17)
- 41.276 mm(1)
- 43.95 mm(1)
- 44.0 mm(4)
- 44.45 mm(13)
- 50.0 mm(25)
- 50.801 mm(5)
- 56.651 mm(2)
- 57.151 mm(10)
- 63.0 mm(3)
- 63.5 mm(4)
- 65.0 mm(4)
- 75.0 mm(2)
- 76.2 mm(3)
- 80.0 mm(3)
Reach MinEnter ValuetoReach MaxReach
Tool Cutting Edge Angle
Tool Cutting Edge Angle
- 90.0 (105)
Tool Cutting Edge Angle MinEnter ValuetoTool Cutting Edge Angle MaxTool Cutting Edge Angle
Connection Style
Connection Style
- A-Socket Head Cap Screw (34)
- B-Cutter Retention Screw (2)
- CV-Caterpillar V-Flange In (3)
- SHCS or RetScrw Or BoltCircle (1)
- Screw-On Connection (7)
- Straight-Cylindrical (25)
- Weldon (33)
Number of Flutes
Number of Flutes
- 1 (1)
- 10 (2)
- 11 (1)
- 12 (1)
- 2 (16)
- 3 (36)
- 4 (22)
- 5 (14)
- 6 (4)
- 7 (3)
- 8 (3)
- 9 (2)
Internal Coolant Capability
Internal Coolant Capability
Over All Length [L]
Over All Length [L]
- 1.575 in(13)
- 1.75 in(3)
- 1.969 in(6)
- 2.0 in(3)
- 2.165 in(1)
- 2.244 in(2)
- 2.48 in(3)
- 2.5 in(3)
- 2.539 in(4)
- 2.559 in(3)
- 2.953 in(2)
- 3.0 in(1)
- 3.531 in(1)
- 3.543 in(2)
- 3.781 in(2)
- 3.938 in(2)
- 3.976 in(2)
- 4.01 in(1)
- 4.03 in(4)
- 4.213 in(2)
- 4.28 in(2)
- 4.331 in(4)
- 4.37 in(6)
- 4.51 in(2)
- 4.53 in(5)
- 4.78 in(1)
- 4.961 in(1)
- 5.281 in(1)
- 5.551 in(2)
- 5.687 in(3)
- 5.69 in(1)
- 5.945 in(1)
- 6.5 in(1)
- 6.694 in(3)
- 7.5 in(1)
- 7.875 in(4)
- 8.0 in(3)
- 10.0 in(4)
Over All Length [L] MinEnter ValuetoOver All Length [L] MaxOver All Length [L]
Over All Length [L]
Over All Length [L]
- 40.0 mm(13)
- 44.45 mm(3)
- 50.0 mm(6)
- 50.801 mm(3)
- 55.0 mm(1)
- 57.0 mm(2)
- 63.0 mm(3)
- 63.5 mm(3)
- 64.5 mm(4)
- 65.0 mm(3)
- 75.0 mm(2)
- 76.2 mm(1)
- 89.676 mm(1)
- 90.0 mm(2)
- 96.0 mm(2)
- 100.0 mm(2)
- 101.0 mm(2)
- 101.851 mm(1)
- 102.351 mm(4)
- 107.0 mm(2)
- 108.7 mm(2)
- 110.0 mm(4)
- 111.0 mm(6)
- 114.551 mm(2)
- 115.051 mm(5)
- 121.4 mm(1)
- 126.0 mm(1)
- 134.125 mm(1)
- 141.0 mm(2)
- 144.451 mm(3)
- 144.525 mm(1)
- 151.0 mm(1)
- 165.101 mm(1)
- 170.0 mm(3)
- 190.5 mm(1)
- 200.0 mm(4)
- 203.201 mm(3)
- 254.0 mm(4)
Over All Length [L] MinEnter ValuetoOver All Length [L] MaxOver All Length [L]
Corner configuration
Corner Radius
Corner Radius
- 0.008 in(104)
- 0.016 in(118)
- 0.031 in(129)
- 0.047 in(124)
- 0.063 in(124)
- 0.079 in(107)
- 0.094 in(109)
- 0.122 in(118)
- 0.157 in(110)
Corner Radius MinEnter ValuetoCorner Radius MaxCorner Radius
Corner Radius
Corner Radius
- 0.2 mm(104)
- 0.4 mm(118)
- 0.8 mm(129)
- 1.201 mm(124)
- 1.6 mm(124)
- 2.0 mm(107)
- 2.375 mm(109)
- 3.1 mm(118)
- 4.0 mm(110)
Corner Radius MinEnter ValuetoCorner Radius MaxCorner Radius
Grade Of Cutting Tool
Grade Of Cutting Tool
- KC410M (112)
- KC422M (106)
- KC520M (109)
- KC522M (122)
- KC725M (126)
- KCK15 (107)
- KCK20B (108)
- KCPK30 (121)
- KCPM20 (105)
- KCPM40 (114)
- KCSM30 (107)
- KCSM40 (123)
Hand Of Tool
Hand Of Tool
- R (105)
Wiper Insert
Wiper Insert
- N (112)
Maximum Ramp Angle
Maximum Ramp Angle
- 0.9 (1)
- 1.2 (2)
- 1.5 (4)
- 1.9 (2)
- 1.95 (1)
- 2.0 (3)
- 2.5 (11)
- 3.4 (6)
- 3.5 (5)
- 4.8 (14)
- 5.2 (8)
- 5.5 (3)
- 6.8 (11)
- 6.9 (5)
- 7.2 (4)
- 10.2 (4)
- 10.4 (3)
- 10.5 (7)
- 10.7 (1)
- 10.9 (1)
- 13.2 (1)
- 16.6 (4)
- 18.0 (1)
- 18.5 (2)
- 25.0 (1)
Maximum Ramp Angle MinEnter ValuetoMaximum Ramp Angle MaxMaximum Ramp Angle
Insert Shape
Insert Shape
Neck Diameter
Neck Diameter
- 1.159 in(3)
- 1.211 in(1)
- 1.24 in(4)
- 1.48 in(1)
- 1.555 in(1)
Neck Diameter MinEnter ValuetoNeck Diameter MaxNeck Diameter
Neck Diameter
Neck Diameter
- 29.451 mm(3)
- 30.75 mm(1)
- 31.5 mm(4)
- 37.6 mm(1)
- 39.5 mm(1)
Neck Diameter MinEnter ValuetoNeck Diameter MaxNeck Diameter
Center Cutting
Center Cutting
Insert Geometry
Cutting Edge Length
Cutting Edge Length
- 14.851 mm(4)
- 15.25 mm(9)
- 15.275 mm(48)
- 15.3 mm(6)
- 17.425 mm(6)
Cutting Edge Length MinEnter ValuetoCutting Edge Length MaxCutting Edge Length
Cutting Edge Length
Cutting Edge Length
- 0.585 in(4)
- 0.6 in(9)
- 0.601 in(48)
- 0.602 in(6)
- 0.686 in(6)
Cutting Edge Length MinEnter ValuetoCutting Edge Length MaxCutting Edge Length
Chip Breaker CBMD
Chip Breaker CBMD
- GD (29)
- GE (20)
- HD (48)
- LD (15)
Cutting Tool Material
Cutting Tool Material
- H W (112)
Tolerance Class
Tolerance Class
- C (27)
- P (85)
Connection Type
Connection Type
- SCREW-ON (7)
System Size
System Size
- CV40 (3)
Back-End Diameter
Back-End Diameter
- 12.701 mm(1)
- 16.0 mm(2)
- 18.0 mm(1)
- 19.05 mm(7)
- 19.1 mm(6)
- 20.0 mm(3)
- 21.0 mm(2)
- 22.0 mm(6)
- 25.0 mm(8)
- 25.401 mm(15)
- 27.0 mm(7)
- 29.0 mm(4)
- 31.75 mm(14)
- 32.0 mm(19)
- 38.1 mm(3)
- 40.0 mm(4)
- 44.45 mm(3)
Back-End Diameter MinEnter ValuetoBack-End Diameter MaxBack-End Diameter
Back-End Diameter
Back-End Diameter
- 0.5 in(1)
- 0.63 in(2)
- 0.709 in(1)
- 0.75 in(7)
- 0.752 in(6)
- 0.787 in(3)
- 0.828 in(2)
- 0.866 in(6)
- 0.984 in(8)
- 1.0 in(15)
- 1.063 in(7)
- 1.143 in(4)
- 1.25 in(14)
- 1.26 in(19)
- 1.5 in(3)
- 1.575 in(4)
- 1.75 in(3)
Back-End Diameter MinEnter ValuetoBack-End Diameter MaxBack-End Diameter
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