Benzer Ürün:
TM40 • Değiştirilebilir Uçlar
Ürün Numarası5593767
ISO Katalog NoTM40N8UNANSI Catalog NoTM40N8UN
- P Steel
- M Stainless Steel
- K Cast Iron
- H Hardened Materials
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Ürün Numarası | 5593767 |
ISO Katalog No | TM40N8UN |
ANSI Catalog No | TM40N8UN |
Grade | KC635M |
TPI | 8 |
[LI] Insert Length | 40 mm |
[LI] Insert Length | 1.575 in |
[W1] Insert Width | 7.05 mm |
[W1] Insert Width | .2776 in |
[S] Insert Thickness | 3.5 mm |
[S] Insert Thickness | .1378 in |
İş Parçası Malzemeleri
- Steel
- Stainless Steel
- Cast Iron
- Hardened Materials
Coated carbide grade with TiAlN coating. KC635M is a high-performance grade for higher speeds and is the first choice for stainless steels. KC635M grade is characterized by a high hardness and wear resistance. This grade is suitable for cutting hard materials (up to 65HRC).
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