Produkt ähnlich wie:
Screw-On Inserts
Material Nummer6906723
ISO Katalog NummerCPGW060208S01015MANSI Katalog NummerCPGW2152S0415M
- H Gehärtete Werkstoffe
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Material Nummer | 6906723 |
ISO Katalog Nummer | CPGW060208S01015M |
ANSI Katalog Nummer | CPGW2152S0415M |
Sorte | KBH20 |
[D] Wendeschneidplatten-Größe (Inkreis) | 6.35 mm |
[D] Wendeschneidplatten-Größe (Inkreis) | .25 in |
[L10] Schneidkantenlänge der Wendeschneidplatte | 6.448 mm |
[L10] Schneidkantenlänge der Wendeschneidplatte | .2539 in |
[Rε] Eckenradius | 0.794 mm |
[Rε] Eckenradius | .0312 in |
- Gehärtete Werkstoffe
Composition: A low content PcBN grade with a PVD TiN/AlTiN coating for added wear resistance.
Application: KBH20™ is the ideal PcBN hard turning grade for continuous to lightly interrupted cutting applications. The structure, as well as the different edge preparations, enable repeatable workpiece tolerances, excellent surface finishes, and surface integrity. Typical applications are case-hardened steel components such as gears, shafts, and other drive-train components.
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