Produit similaire à:
SM42LR25 HF89
Queues coniques 42mm
Numéro de matériel5497995
Ref. ISO CatalogueSM42LR25 HF89Ref. ANSI CatalogueSM42LR25 HF89
- Internal Retainer
- 100029112
- HF Treatment
- Cutting Conditions: Abrasive
- Cutting Conditions: Medium
- Cutting Conditions: Heavy
- X Treatment
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Numéro de matériel | 5497995 |
Ref. ISO Catalogue | SM42LR25 HF89 |
Ref. ANSI Catalogue | SM42LR25 HF89 |
Nuance | K3560 |
Uses and application
- Internal Retainer
- 100029112
- HF Treatment
- Cutting Conditions: Abrasive
- Cutting Conditions: Medium
- Cutting Conditions: Heavy
- X Treatment
CAD Drawings Models
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