Produkt podobný k:
SS-CV form AD
Straight Shank Adapters
Objednací číslo1018425
ISO katalogové IDCV50SS250800ANSI katalogové IDCV50SS250800
Shank - 1"–8 unc Drawbar
Coolant - Through Coolant
Shank - Cylindrical Plain
Shank - Cylindrical Weldon
Shank - Cylindrical with Flat
Shank - SK CAT(CV) ANSI B5.50
Shank - Cylindrical with Flat and Flange
Shank - SK CAT(CV) ANSI B5.50 1"–8 unc Drawbar
Drilling - Through Coolant
Shank - Cylindrical Weldon 2 Flat
Shank - Cylindrical Weldon DIN 1835/B
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Objednací číslo | 1018425 |
ISO katalogové ID | CV50SS250800 |
ANSI katalogové ID | CV50SS250800 |
[D2] Body Diameter 1 Workpiece Side | 101.6 mm |
[D2] Body Diameter 1 Workpiece Side | 4 in |
[L1] Gage Length | 203.2 mm |
[L1] Gage Length | 8 in |
[L9] Clamping Length | 107.95 mm |
[L9] Clamping Hole Length | 4.25 in |
[V] Adjustment Range | 31.75 mm |
[V] Adjustment Range | 1.25 in |
Weight Pounds | 21.5 |
[D1] Adapter / Shank / Bore Diameter | 63.5 mm |
[D1] Adapter / Shank / Bore Diameter | 2.5 in |
Shank - 1"–8 unc Drawbar
Coolant - Through Coolant
Shank - Cylindrical Plain
Shank - Cylindrical Weldon
Shank - Cylindrical with Flat
Shank - SK CAT(CV) ANSI B5.50
Shank - Cylindrical with Flat and Flange
Shank - SK CAT(CV) ANSI B5.50 1"–8 unc Drawbar
Drilling - Through Coolant
Shank - Cylindrical Weldon 2 Flat
Shank - Cylindrical Weldon DIN 1835/B
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