PITTSBURGH, Sept. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Kennametal Inc. (NYSE: KMT) announced today its inclusion in TIME's World's Best Companies 2024. Presented by TIME and Statista Inc., the world-leading statistics portal and industry ranking provider, this prestigious recognition reflects Kennametal's commitment to all its stakeholders – employees, customers, investors and community partners.

The World's Best Companies list is based on comprehensive analysis of revenue growth, employee-satisfaction surveys and sustainability data.

"Our global team is hard at work advancing our strategy and focusing on continuous improvement across all parts of our business, and we are honored to be named among the World's Best Companies," said Sanjay Chowbey, President and CEO. "Our collective focus on growth, employee engagement and sustainability are central to our strategy as we create a lasting, positive impact for all our stakeholders."

View Kennametal's fiscal year 2024 Corporate Responsibility Report to learn more about the Company's sustainability initiatives.

About Kennametal
With over 85 years as an industrial technology leader, Kennametal Inc. delivers productivity to customers through materials science, tooling and wear-resistant solutions. Customers across aerospace and defense, earthworks, energy, general engineering and transportation turn to Kennametal to help them manufacture with precision and efficiency. Every day approximately 8,400 employees are helping customers in nearly 100 countries stay competitive. Kennametal generated $2 billion in revenues in fiscal 2024. Learn more at www.kennametal.com. Follow @Kennametal: Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube.

SOURCE Kennametal Inc.

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