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Kenna Universal™ • B978 • 8 x D • Refrigerante interno • Mango recto

Broca de metal duro integral para aplicaciones universales

Número de material100075692

Kenna Universal™ • B978 • 8 x D • Refrigerante interno • Mango recto
Kenna Universal™ • B978 • 8 x D • Refrigerante interno • Mango recto
Kenna Universal™ • B978 • 8 x D • Refrigerante interno • Mango recto
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Kenna Universal™ • B978 • 8 x D • Refrigerante interno • Mango recto
Kenna Universal™ • B978 • 8 x D • Refrigerante interno • Mango recto
Representación general
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Features and benefits

  • Kenna Universal™ drills with through coolant.
  • Multipurpose SC drill engineered to deliver superior performance in steel, cast iron, stainless steel, and other applications, making it ideal for small- and medium-sized shops.
  • The universal application profile reduces tool change times and the number of drills in inventory.
  • It's a problem solver that works everywhere.
  • Four-margin land design provides good alignment and stability in tough drilling applications — even when drilling through cross holes.
  • KC7315™ grade is a multilayer, TiAlN-based coating with high hot hardness enables 30% higher cutting speeds and constant tool life.
  • Drilling: Stacked PlatesDrilling: Stacked Plates
  • TaladradoTaladrado
  • Taladrado: Salida inclinadaTaladrado: Salida inclinada
  • Dimensiones de la herramienta: 2 canales/4 márgenes/refrigeranteDimensiones de la herramienta: 2 canales/4 márgenes/refrigerante
  • Número DIN 6535Número DIN 6535
  • Número DIN 6537Número DIN 6537
  • Taladrado — Con refrigeración internaTaladrado — Con refrigeración interna
  • Con refrigeración interna: MQL (cantidad mínima de lubricante): TaladradoCon refrigeración interna: MQL (cantidad mínima de lubricante): Taladrado
  • Mango — Liso cilíndrico ≤h6Mango — Liso cilíndrico ≤h6
  • Ángulo de la hélice: 30°Ángulo de la hélice: 30°
  • Drilling: Cross-Hole DrillingDrilling: Cross-Hole Drilling

Dimensiones de las brocas de metal duro integral de Kennametal (serie B*)

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