We guarantee specific cost-per-part savings during the life of the contract. Our cost-per-part program is an onsite tool management service that places dedicated personnel in your shop to initiate productivity improvements, track operational savings or oversee tool inventory and usage. Learn more and cut your costs.We guarantee specific cost-per-part savings during the life of the contract. Our cost-per-part program is an onsite tool management service that places dedicated personnel in your shop to initiate productivity improvements, track operational savings or oversee tool inventory and usage. Learn more and cut your costs.
Cómo funciona
Analizamos todos los pasos de su proceso de producción para proporcionar una línea base del proceso actual y el coste por pieza. A continuación, establecemos un taller dentro de su taller, siendo su “invitado en casa” durante la vida del contrato a medida que mejoramos su proceso de producción.
El personal in situ de Kennametal puede variar desde una a diez personas y puede incluir un ingeniero de herramientas, un gestor del sitio y preconfiguradores de herramientas (que entregan las herramientas donde se necesitan en la planta, retiran las herramientas utilizadas del área de producción, reacondicionan las herramientas utilizadas, las vuelven a montar y las devuelven a la máquina, listas para ser utilizadas).
We guarantee savings
Our cost per part (CPP) program is an onsite tool management service that places dedicated personnel in your shop to initiate productivity improvements, track operational savings, oversee tool inventory and usage, and perform presetting, maintenance, reorder, and more. Efficiencies are increased and outcomes are tracked. We guarantee a specific cost-per-part savings during the life of the contract.
- Every step of your production process is analyzed to establish current cost per part.
- Kennametal onsite tool engineer manages the tool crib with our tools on consignment through the life of the contract.
- Onsite engineer delivers tools where needed in the plant; removes used tools from production area; and reconditions, reassembles, and returns tools to the machine for use.
- Operational and productivity savings are tracked, documented, and reported.
- Each CPP program is tailored to the specific needs of the facility.
Risk reduction
Our onsite staff manages your tool crib and Kennametal’s tools are on consignment throughout the life of the contract. No more stock outages and expediting order costs. That’s a big risk reduction for your business.
The CPP program is ideal for:
- Shops with high-volume production of single parts
- Shops that consume large amounts of perishable tools (like drills, inserts, end mills)
- Shops with high metal removal rates