Tech Tip: 45° vs 90° Face Milling

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using a 45-degree Face Mill vs. a 90-degree Face Mill

To achieve greater productivity and problem-free milling, use a lead angle cutter whenever possible. Chip thickness is affected by the lead angle. The greater the lead angle, the greater the chip-thinning effect.

Lead Angle Thickness

Feed Per Tooth

Actual Chip

45A.707 x A
45.010".070" x .010" = 0071"


  • Well-balanced axial and radial cutting forces.
  • Less breakout on workpiece corner.
  • Entry shock is minimized.
  • Less radial forces directed into the spindle bearings.
  • Higher feed rates possible.
  • Reduces chatter.


  • Reduced maximum depth of cut due to lead angle.
  • Larger body diameter can cause fixture clearance problems.
  • No 90-degree corner milling.
  • Can cause chipping or burring on exit side of cutter rotation.
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