KSEM PLUS™ Modular Drill for Large Diameter Drilling

The KSEM PLUS modular drill covers drilling applications in a diameter range from 28mm to 101,6mm (1.102-4”) up to 10 x D. KSEM PLUS combines the advantages of a modular drill and an indexable drill, providing high speed and feed capability with large length-to-diameter ratio at low consumable cost. This modular system is a versatile solution that allows quick tool set-up and helps to keep tool inventory at a minimum.

Interchangeable head styles with two fully effective cutting edges deliver excellent productivity in all cutting conditions and many materials:

  • The KSEM PLUS A1 head for lowest cost per hole.
  • The KSEM PLUS B1 head for challenging conditions like stacked plates, cross holes, and inclined exits.
  • Interchangeable head styles with two fully effective cutting edges deliver excellent productivity in all cutting conditions and many materials.
  • Two fully effective cutting edges deliver excellent productivity. 
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    • DrillingDrilling (183)
    • Stacked Plates DrillingStacked Plates Drilling (97)
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    Diámetro del corte
    Diámetro del corte MinaDiámetro del corte Max
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    Condiciones del corte
    • Interrupted (74)
    • Stable (79)
    • Unstable (74)
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    Profundidad de taladrado máxima [L4] MinaProfundidad de taladrado máxima [L4] Max
    Profundidad de taladrado máxima [L4]
    Profundidad de taladrado máxima [L4] MinaProfundidad de taladrado máxima [L4] Max
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    Alcance MinaAlcance Max
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    Estilo de conexión
    • FDS Connection (183)
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    Número de canales
    • 2 (183)
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    Filos de corte por plaquita MinaFilos de corte por plaquita Max
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    Capacidad de refrigeración interna
    Longitud total [L]
    Longitud total [L] MinaLongitud total [L] Max
    Longitud total [L]
    Longitud total [L] MinaLongitud total [L] Max
    Radio de esquina
    Radio de esquina
    • 0.016 in(4)
    • 0.031 in(45)
    • 0.039 in(6)
    • 0.047 in(12)
    • 0.063 in(6)
    • 0.079 in(6)
    Radio de esquina
    Radio de esquina
    • 0.4 mm(4)
    • 0.8 mm(45)
    • 1.0 mm(6)
    • 1.201 mm(12)
    • 1.6 mm(6)
    • 2.0 mm(6)
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    Bisel en esquina MinaBisel en esquina Max
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