Exceptional Wear Resistance & Unmatched Performance

Every day Kennametal abrasive blasting nozzles meet the challenges of demanding environments. Our abrasive blast nozzles are backed by outstanding customer service and technical support.

Count on these styles of abrasive blast nozzles in the harshest environments. Our unique family of tungsten carbide, boron carbide, SiAlON and ROCTEC® composite carbide nozzles offer exceptional wear resistance and unmatched performance.


We offer standard replacement products as well as higher performance upgrades for most OEM products to allow you to achieve optimum blasting effectiveness and efficiency.


We specialize in understanding material systems from the microstructural level to the finished part. Our materials are engineered to match the finished nozzle design — and we utilize only the finest raw materials and expert workmanship to deliver the highest quality products for your applications.


When you call us for help, you gain instant access to our nozzle experts to diagnose and solve your toughest blasting challenges.

Quick Response Time

When a nozzle fails, you need a replacement fast. That’s why we maintain stock of our most popular nozzle styles.


Venturi Nozzles

Long venturi style nozzles yield about a 40% greater production rate than straight bore nozzles. The internally tapered design of the venturi nozzle accelerates and evenly distributes the abrasive over the entire blast pattern.

Special Venturi Nozzles

The XL Performance nozzles increase abrasive particle velocity, resulting in improved production rates and efficiencies. The XL Performance nozzles will utilize the same air (CFM) requirements as our standard long venturi products for the same given bore size, resulting in lower compressed air operating costs per square foot / meter. These products are produced in our popular lightweight BP200 SiAlON material, helping minimize nozzle weight and overall operator fatigue.


Straight Bore Nozzles

Straight bore nozzles are made for close range spot blasting. With small blast patterns and little overblast, they are good for cleaning small areas: weldments, grillwork, and railings. If your equipment calls for a non-standard nozzle, we can produce it for you. For special needs, contact us.

Angle Nozzles

These nozzles are excellent for getting inside tight places like bridge lattice, behind flanges, or inside pipe. Many operators waste abrasive and time waiting for ricochet to get the job done.

No nozzle tool chest should be without an angle nozzle. These nozzles are available in tungsten carbide, boron carbide, and ROCTEC® featuring long life blast outputs between 0o and 125o relative to the input openings. Available with single, double, triple, or quadruple outlets

Wet Blast Nozzles

The WIN® (Water Induction Nozzle) system is a simple, cost effective solution for high production, wet abrasive blasting that can be used with your existing pressure blast equipment. The system can be used with water from a tap or with rust inhibitors introduced through any simple pump. Nenhum equipamento especial necessário. The WIN® system offers the highest performance possible in wet abrasive blasting technology.

There are several sizes of WIN® system nozzles available in either tungsten carbide or BP200 SiAlON liners, with either metric or American threads. All of these nozzles use a standard 1" I.D. blast hose and all can be used as a wet or dry blast nozzle. Water consumption with these nozzles is much less than with other wet blast systems, only 3/4 to 6 quarts per minute depending on the level of dust suppression desired.

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