Broca SE com quatro guias• Refrigerante • Aço

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Workpiece Material
Workpiece Material
  • P Steel (32)
    • P0
      Low-Carbon Steels, Long Chipping C < .25%; <125 HB; <530 N/mm^2 UTS (32)
    • P1
      Low-Carbon Steels, Short Chipping C < .25%; <125 HB; <530 N/mm^2 UTS (32)
    • P2
      Medium and High Carbon Steels C < .25%; <220 HB; <25 HRC; >530 N/mm^2 UTS (32)
    • P3
      Alloy Steels & Tool Steels C > .25%; <330 HB; <35 HRC; 600-850 N/mm^2 UTS (32)
    • P4
      Alloy Steels & Tool Steels C > .25%; 350-420 HB; 35-43 HRC; 850-1400 N/mm^2 UTS (32)
  • K Cast Iron (32)
    • K1
      Gray Cast Iron 120-290 HB; <32 HRC; 125-500 N/mm^2 UTS (32)
    • K2
      Low and Medium Strength CGI and Ductile Irons 130-260 HB; <28 HRC; <600 N/mm^2 UTS (32)
    • K3
      High Strength Ductile and Austempered Ductile Iron 180-350 HB; <43 HRC; >600 N/mm^2 UTS (32)
  • Cross Hole Drilling Cross Hole Drilling (32)
  • Drilling Drilling (32)
  • Inclined Exit Drilling Inclined Exit Drilling (32)
  • Stacked Plates Drilling Stacked Plates Drilling (32)
Cutting Diameter
Cutting Diameter
  • 0.169 in (1)
  • 0.197 in (1)
  • 0.201 in (1)
  • 0.217 in (1)
  • 0.228 in (1)
  • 0.237 in (1)
  • 0.256 in (1)
  • 0.268 in (1)
  • 0.276 in (1)
  • 0.307 in (1)
  • 0.315 in (1)
  • 0.331 in (1)
  • 0.335 in (1)
  • 0.347 in (1)
  • 0.354 in (2)
  • 0.374 in (1)
  • 0.376 in (1)
  • 0.386 in (1)
  • 0.394 in (1)
  • 0.402 in (1)
  • 0.414 in (1)
  • 0.433 in (1)
  • 0.465 in (2)
  • 0.473 in (1)
  • 0.492 in (1)
  • 0.512 in (1)
  • 0.531 in (1)
  • 0.551 in (1)
  • 0.591 in (1)
  • 0.63 in (1)
Cutting Diameter Min a Cutting Diameter Max
Cutting Diameter
Cutting Diameter
  • 4.3 mm (1)
  • 5.0 mm (1)
  • 5.101 mm (1)
  • 5.5 mm (1)
  • 5.801 mm (1)
  • 6.0 mm (1)
  • 6.5 mm (1)
  • 6.801 mm (1)
  • 7.0 mm (1)
  • 7.801 mm (1)
  • 8.0 mm (1)
  • 8.4 mm (1)
  • 8.5 mm (1)
  • 8.8 mm (1)
  • 9.0 mm (2)
  • 9.5 mm (1)
  • 9.55 mm (1)
  • 9.8 mm (1)
  • 10.0 mm (1)
  • 10.201 mm (1)
  • 10.5 mm (1)
  • 11.0 mm (1)
  • 11.8 mm (2)
  • 12.0 mm (1)
  • 12.5 mm (1)
  • 13.0 mm (1)
  • 13.5 mm (1)
  • 14.0 mm (1)
  • 15.0 mm (1)
  • 16.0 mm (1)
Cutting Diameter Min a Cutting Diameter Max
Maximum Hole Depth [L4]
Maximum Hole Depth [L4]
  • 41.0 mm (1)
  • 48.0 mm (5)
  • 57.0 mm (3)
  • 64.0 mm (2)
  • 80.0 mm (9)
  • 96.0 mm (6)
  • 112.0 mm (4)
  • 128.0 mm (2)
Maximum Hole Depth [L4] Min a Maximum Hole Depth [L4] Max
Maximum Hole Depth [L4]
Maximum Hole Depth [L4]
  • 1.614 in (1)
  • 1.891 in (5)
  • 2.244 in (3)
  • 2.52 in (2)
  • 3.15 in (9)
  • 3.781 in (6)
  • 4.409 in (4)
  • 5.039 in (2)
Maximum Hole Depth [L4] Min a Maximum Hole Depth [L4] Max
  • 1.929 in (1)
  • 2.205 in (5)
  • 2.638 in (3)
  • 2.914 in (2)
  • 3.622 in (9)
  • 4.331 in (6)
  • 5.039 in (4)
  • 5.748 in (2)
Reach Min a Reach Max
  • 49.0 mm (1)
  • 56.0 mm (5)
  • 67.0 mm (3)
  • 74.0 mm (2)
  • 92.0 mm (9)
  • 110.0 mm (6)
  • 128.0 mm (4)
  • 146.0 mm (2)
Reach Min a Reach Max
Over All Length [L]
Over All Length [L]
  • 3.426 in (1)
  • 3.701 in (5)
  • 4.134 in (3)
  • 4.449 in (2)
  • 5.315 in (9)
  • 6.22 in (6)
  • 6.929 in (4)
  • 7.756 in (2)
Over All Length [L] Min a Over All Length [L] Max
Over All Length [L]
Over All Length [L]
  • 87.0 mm (1)
  • 94.0 mm (5)
  • 105.0 mm (3)
  • 113.0 mm (2)
  • 135.0 mm (9)
  • 158.0 mm (6)
  • 176.0 mm (4)
  • 197.0 mm (2)
Over All Length [L] Min a Over All Length [L] Max
  • TiAlN (13)
Grade Of Cutting Tool
Grade Of Cutting Tool
  • KC7315 (13)
  • KCU15A (19)
Back-End Diameter
Back-End Diameter
  • 6.0 mm (6)
  • 8.0 mm (5)
  • 10.0 mm (9)
  • 12.0 mm (6)
  • 14.0 mm (4)
  • 16.0 mm (2)
Back-End Diameter Min a Back-End Diameter Max
Back-End Diameter
Back-End Diameter
  • 0.237 in (6)
  • 0.315 in (5)
  • 0.394 in (9)
  • 0.473 in (6)
  • 0.551 in (4)
  • 0.63 in (2)
Back-End Diameter Min a Back-End Diameter Max
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