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- Fresamento modular do DUO-λOCK®
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- Fresas de topo modulares de alta performance DUO-λOCK® • Desbaste
Fresas de topo modulares de alta performance DUO-λOCK® • Desbaste
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Workpiece Material
Workpiece Material
- P Steel (27)
- P0Low-Carbon Steels, Long Chipping C < .25%; <125 HB; <530 N/mm^2 UTS(17)
- P1Low-Carbon Steels, Short Chipping C < .25%; <125 HB; <530 N/mm^2 UTS(17)
- P2Medium and High Carbon Steels C < .25%; <220 HB; <25 HRC; >530 N/mm^2 UTS(17)
- P3Alloy Steels & Tool Steels C > .25%; <330 HB; <35 HRC; 600-850 N/mm^2 UTS(27)
- P4Alloy Steels & Tool Steels C > .25%; 350-420 HB; 35-43 HRC; 850-1400 N/mm^2 UTS(27)
- P5Ferritic, Martensitic, and PH Stainless Steels <330 HB; <35 HRC; 600-900 N/mm^2 UTS(27)
- P6High Strength Ferritic, Martensitic, and PH Stainless Steels 350-450 HB; 35-43 HRC; 900-2400 N/mm^2 UTS(18)
- M Stainless Steel (27)
- M1Austenitic Stainless Steel 130-200 HB; <600 N/mm^2 UTS(27)
- M2High Strength Austenitic Stainless and Cast Stainless Steels 150-230 HB; <25 HRC; >600 N/mm^2 UTS(27)
- M3Duplex Stainless Steel 135-275 HB; <30 HRC; 500-1200 N/mm^2 UTS(27)
- K Cast Iron (27)
- K1Gray Cast Iron 120-290 HB; <32 HRC; 125-500 N/mm^2 UTS(27)
- K2Low and Medium Strength CGI and Ductile Irons 130-260 HB; <28 HRC; <600 N/mm^2 UTS(27)
- K3High Strength Ductile and Austempered Ductile Iron 180-350 HB; <43 HRC; >600 N/mm^2 UTS(27)
- S High-Temp Alloys (19)
- S1Iron-Based, Heat-Resistant Alloys 160-260 HB; 25-48 HRC; 500-1200 N/mm^2 UTS(19)
- S2Cobalt-Based, Heat-Resistant Alloys 250-450 HB; 25-48 HRC; 1000-1450 N/mm^2 UTS(10)
- S3Nickel-Based, Heat Resistant Alloys 160-450 HB; <48 HRC; 600-1700 N/mm^2 UTS(19)
- S4Titanium and Titanium Alloys 300-400 HB; 33-43 HRC; 900-1600 N/mm^2 UTS(10)
- H Hardened Materials (27)
- H1Hardened Materials 44-48 HRC(27)
- H2Hardened Materials 48-55 HRC(10)
- H3Hardened Materials 56-60 HRC(10)
Face Milling (10)
Pocket (19)
Pocket Helical (19)
Pocket Milling (19)
Pocket Plunge Milling (9)
Ramping (14)
Shoulder Milling (19)
Shoulder Roughing (19)
Shoulder Square End (19)
Slot Milling (19)
Slot Square End (19)
Cutting Diameter
Cutting Diameter
- 0.375 in(2)
- 0.394 in(3)
- 0.473 in(3)
- 0.5 in(3)
- 0.625 in(3)
- 0.63 in(3)
- 0.75 in(3)
- 0.787 in(3)
- 0.984 in(2)
- 1.0 in(2)
Cutting Diameter MinDigite o valoraCutting Diameter MaxCutting Diameter
Cutting Diameter
Cutting Diameter
- 9.525 mm(2)
- 10.0 mm(3)
- 12.0 mm(3)
- 12.701 mm(3)
- 15.875 mm(3)
- 16.0 mm(3)
- 19.05 mm(3)
- 20.0 mm(3)
- 25.0 mm(2)
- 25.401 mm(2)
Cutting Diameter MinDigite o valoraCutting Diameter MaxCutting Diameter
Cutting Length
Cutting Length
- 7.15 mm(1)
- 7.5 mm(1)
- 9.0 mm(1)
- 9.525 mm(1)
- 11.9 mm(1)
- 12.0 mm(1)
- 14.3 mm(2)
- 15.0 mm(3)
- 18.0 mm(2)
- 19.05 mm(2)
- 23.8 mm(2)
- 24.0 mm(2)
- 28.576 mm(2)
- 30.0 mm(2)
- 37.5 mm(2)
- 38.1 mm(2)
Cutting Length MinDigite o valoraCutting Length MaxCutting Length
Cutting Length
Cutting Length
- 0.281 in(1)
- 0.295 in(1)
- 0.354 in(1)
- 0.375 in(1)
- 0.47 in(1)
- 0.473 in(1)
- 0.564 in(2)
- 0.591 in(3)
- 0.709 in(2)
- 0.75 in(2)
- 0.937 in(2)
- 0.946 in(2)
- 1.125 in(2)
- 1.181 in(2)
- 1.476 in(2)
- 1.5 in(2)
Cutting Length MinDigite o valoraCutting Length MaxCutting Length
- 0.656 in(1)
- 0.69 in(1)
- 0.828 in(1)
- 0.843 in(1)
- 0.876 in(1)
- 0.886 in(2)
- 1.063 in(2)
- 1.093 in(1)
- 1.102 in(1)
- 1.127 in(2)
- 1.314 in(1)
- 1.379 in(1)
- 1.407 in(2)
- 1.417 in(2)
- 1.689 in(2)
- 1.772 in(2)
- 2.224 in(2)
- 2.253 in(2)
Reach MinDigite o valoraReach MaxReach
- 16.651 mm(1)
- 17.5 mm(1)
- 21.0 mm(1)
- 21.401 mm(1)
- 22.25 mm(1)
- 22.5 mm(2)
- 27.0 mm(2)
- 27.75 mm(1)
- 28.0 mm(1)
- 28.6 mm(2)
- 33.375 mm(1)
- 35.0 mm(1)
- 35.7 mm(2)
- 36.0 mm(2)
- 42.901 mm(2)
- 45.0 mm(2)
- 56.5 mm(2)
- 57.2 mm(2)
Reach MinDigite o valoraReach MaxReach
Number of Flutes
Number of Flutes
- 3 (8)
- 4 (12)
- 5 (2)
- 6 (5)
Over All Length [L]
Over All Length [L]
- 1.149 in(1)
- 1.181 in(1)
- 1.335 in(1)
- 1.379 in(2)
- 1.417 in(1)
- 1.467 in(1)
- 1.655 in(2)
- 1.717 in(2)
- 1.881 in(1)
- 1.891 in(1)
- 2.193 in(2)
- 2.205 in(2)
- 2.255 in(1)
- 2.319 in(1)
- 2.63 in(2)
- 2.713 in(2)
- 3.461 in(2)
- 3.488 in(2)
Over All Length [L] MinDigite o valoraOver All Length [L] MaxOver All Length [L]
Over All Length [L]
Over All Length [L]
- 29.151 mm(1)
- 30.0 mm(1)
- 33.9 mm(1)
- 35.0 mm(2)
- 36.0 mm(1)
- 37.25 mm(1)
- 42.0 mm(2)
- 43.6 mm(2)
- 47.75 mm(1)
- 48.0 mm(1)
- 55.7 mm(2)
- 56.0 mm(2)
- 57.276 mm(1)
- 58.901 mm(1)
- 66.8 mm(2)
- 68.9 mm(2)
- 87.9 mm(2)
- 88.601 mm(2)
Over All Length [L] MinDigite o valoraOver All Length [L] MaxOver All Length [L]
Corner Style
Corner Style
- RADIUS (18)
Corner Radius
Corner Radius
- 0.0 in(9)
- 0.015 in(5)
- 0.016 in(4)
- 0.02 in(1)
- 0.03 in(8)
Corner Radius MinDigite o valoraCorner Radius MaxCorner Radius
Corner Radius
Corner Radius
- 0.0 mm(9)
- 0.375 mm(5)
- 0.4 mm(4)
- 0.5 mm(1)
- 0.75 mm(8)
Corner Radius MinDigite o valoraCorner Radius MaxCorner Radius
Corner Chamfer
Corner Chamfer
- 0.0 mm(18)
- 0.5 mm(9)
Corner Chamfer MinDigite o valoraCorner Chamfer MaxCorner Chamfer
Corner Chamfer
Corner Chamfer
- 0.0 in(18)
- 0.02 in(9)
Corner Chamfer MinDigite o valoraCorner Chamfer MaxCorner Chamfer
Grade Of Cutting Tool
Grade Of Cutting Tool
- KCPM15 (17)
- KCSM15 (10)
Back-End Diameter
Back-End Diameter
- 9.525 mm(2)
- 10.0 mm(3)
- 12.0 mm(3)
- 12.201 mm(3)
- 15.875 mm(1)
- 16.0 mm(3)
- 19.05 mm(2)
- 19.3 mm(3)
- 24.401 mm(2)
- 25.0 mm(2)
- 25.401 mm(3)
Back-End Diameter MinDigite o valoraBack-End Diameter MaxBack-End Diameter
Back-End Diameter
Back-End Diameter
- 0.375 in(2)
- 0.394 in(3)
- 0.473 in(3)
- 0.48 in(3)
- 0.625 in(1)
- 0.63 in(3)
- 0.75 in(2)
- 0.76 in(3)
- 0.961 in(2)
- 0.984 in(2)
- 1.0 in(3)
Back-End Diameter MinDigite o valoraBack-End Diameter MaxBack-End Diameter
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