ToolBOSS Benefits and Shared Rewards


Oil Equipment Manager

Slashed monthly glove usage by 200 pairs.

Pump Manufacturer

Staff moved to more valuable roles

The installation of 20 ToolBOSS units enabled 12 tool crib staff to be redeployed to higher-value-added roles.

Small Parts Manufacturer

Monthly spend reduced by 30%

Dispensed single inserts versus packages of inserts.


Aerospace Manufacturer

Decreased inventory by 80% from $750,000 to $130,000

Integrated Supplier

Reduced consignment stock by 50%

Small Parts Manufacturer

Reduced issue time from 30 minutes to 18 seconds

ToolBoss Shared Rewards

ToolBOSS Tool Spend Chart

Increase your Kennametal tool spending.

ToolBOSS Machine

Use a ToolBOSS unit for free!

How does it work?

  • Kennametal will baseline the prior 12 months sales with the customer.
  • A growth value is calculated on the value of the equipment and services purchased in that 12-month period.
  • We provide an agreement for the customer to increase spend on Kennametal product in exchange for free use of ToolBOSS.
  • During the term of the agreement Kennametal will provide all repair parts, technical support and software upgrades to the equipment.
  • At the end of the contract term the agreement can be renewed and the support will continue.
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