Produkt podobný k:
Břitové destičky pro KSSR • SNFX-LD
Výměnné břitové destičky • KSSR • SNXF 1204...
Objednací číslo2957734
ISO katalogové IDSNXF120412ENLDANSI katalogové IDSNXF433ENLD
- K Cast Iron
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Objednací číslo | 2957734 |
ISO katalogové ID | SNXF120412ENLD |
ANSI katalogové ID | SNXF433ENLD |
Grade | KC524M |
[D] Insert IC Size | 12.7 mm |
[D] Insert IC Size | .5 in |
[S] Insert Thickness | 4.76 mm |
[S] Insert Thickness | .1874 in |
[L10] Insert Cutting Edge Length | 12.7 mm |
[L10] Insert Cutting Edge Length | .5 in |
[Rε] Corner Radius | 1.2 mm |
[Rε] Corner Radius | .0468 in |
Average Chip Thickness [HM] | 0.055 mm |
Average Chip Thickness [HM] | .0022 in |
Cutting Edges per Insert | 8 |
Materiály obrobků
- Cast Iron
Coated carbide grade with a thicker PVD TiAlN coating. KC524M combines good wear resistance with high toughness. Primarily for general machining of all cast irons. This grade can be used both wet and dry.
Vlastnosti a výhody
- Milling insert for cast iron and compacted graphite iron (CGI) machining.
- High-precision periphery ground insert.
- Indexabe milling insert with eight cutting edges.
- Perfect solution for any production with transfer lines.
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