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Negativní břitové destičky • SNMG-MP
Břitové destičky Kenloc™
Objednací číslo5591951
ISO katalogové IDSNMG190616MPANSI katalogové IDSNMG644MP
- P Steel
- M Stainless Steel
- S High-Temp Alloys
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Objednací číslo | 5591951 |
ISO katalogové ID | SNMG190616MP |
ANSI katalogové ID | SNMG644MP |
Grade | KCM25B |
Beyond Drive Grades | Beyond™ Drive™ |
[D] Insert IC Size | 19.05 mm |
[D] Insert IC Size | .75 in |
[L10] Insert Cutting Edge Length | 19.05 mm |
[L10] Insert Cutting Edge Length | .75 in |
[S] Insert Thickness | 6.35 mm |
[S] Insert Thickness | .25 in |
[Rε] Corner Radius | 1.588 mm |
[Rε] Corner Radius | .0625 in |
[D1] Insert Hole Size | 7.92 mm |
[D1] Insert Hole Size | .312 in |
Materiály obrobků
- Steel
- Stainless Steel
- High-Temp Alloys
Composition: A multilayer MTCVD-TiCN-Al2O3-TiOCN coated carbide grade.
Application: An excellent finishing to medium machining grade for austenitic stainless steels at higher speeds and covers a broad range of steel applications in the P20-25 range. KCM15 grade in combination with unique geometries have been designed to resist depth-of-cut notching and minimize burr formation. The post-coat treatment reduces coating stresses, improves coating adhesion, minimizes microchipping and edge build-up, and improves workpiece finish.
Vlastnosti a výhody
- Střední geometrie s pozitivním úhlem čela pro dobré utváření třísky těžce obrobitelných materiálů.
- Včetně sort Beyond™ Drive™.
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